Daley says no to growing the state government

Daley says no to growing the state government

LANSING, Mich. — Senate Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee Minority Vice Chair Kevin Daley on Thursday voted against growing the size of state government by creating new overreaching statewide codes to regulate septic systems.

“If a citizen purchases a property with a septic tank, the burden is on them to maintain it or face the consequences, not on the taxpayers to subsidize further government bureaucracy,” said Daley, R-Lum, during debate on the Senate floor.

The senator said Senate Bills 299 and 300 would place “indeterminate financial and regulatory burdens” on the state and local governments.

“These are just two of many bills to grow the size of government and raise taxes on hardworking Michiganders that Democrats are rushing through the Legislature without proper scrutiny during these final lame duck days before they lose control of the House in January,” Daley said. “Voters clearly expressed their frustrations with the growing costs of living this past November. Unfortunately, Lansing Democrats either didn’t get the message or just don’t care.”

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